Nathan Waller, left, competes alongside Elijah Seybold, right, in their face-off in the Clouds for Heroes vape competition at Metro Vapors in Plano, Texas. Contestants using e-cigarette devices vie to create the biggest vapor cloud.
I promise I’m not making this up. Grown men, seemingly employed grown men, actually compete to see who has the biggest smoke plume from an e-cigarette drag.
It’s called “cloud chasing” or “competitive vaping” reports The Wall Street Journal. “Competitive” as if it’s a sport. Kind of like darts is a sport. Or billiards, video games, and poker.
Anyway, it’s a real thing. The people dumb or drunk enough to enjoy such a spectacle are called “cloud gazers.”
Vape stores like Metro Vapors in Plano, Texas typically sponsor these contests and winners can receive cash prizes of up to $500. Not surprisingly, in Las Vegas next year, there is planned a World Series of Vape. There’s even an organized league in the works.
What’s next? Competitive eating. Oh, right. They already have that.